The surcharge must be paid online before attending the Visa Application Centre.
The health surcharge means that temporary, non-EEA migrants traveling to the UK for more than six months will contribute to the NHS.
The health surcharge will be set at £200 a year for temporary migrants and £150 a year for students.
You may need to pay a healthcare surcharge (called the ‘immigration health surcharge’) as part of your immigration application.You’ll then be able to use the National Health Service (NHS). You’ll still need to pay for certain types of services, eg prescriptions, dental treatment and eye tests.
- you’ve paid the healthcare surcharge (or are exempt from paying it)
- your visa or immigration application is granted
When you need to pay
For visa applications made outside the UK, you’ll have to pay if:- you’re a national of a country outside the European Economic Area
- you’re applying for a visa to work, study or join your family in the UK for more than 6 months (but you’re not applying to permanently remain in the UK)
- you’ve applied and paid your visa fee on or after 6 April 2015
- you’re a national of a country outside the EEA
- you’re making an immigration application for any length of time, including applications for 6 months or less (but you’re not applying to permanently remain in the UK)
- you’ve applied and paid your application fee on or after 6 April 2015
When you’ll need an IHS reference number
You still need to use the service to get an immigration health surcharge (IHS) reference number but you won’t need to pay if:- you’re applying for a Tier 2 (Intra-company Transfer) visa (or you’re their dependant)
- you’re a child under 18 who has been taken into care by a local authority
- you’re a national of Australia or New Zealand
- you’re the dependant of a member of the UK’s armed forces
- you’re the dependant of a member of another country’s forces who is exempt from immigration control
- you’re a relevant civilian employee employed by North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) or the Australian Department of Defence in the UK (or you’re their dependant)
You’ll be able to use the National Health Service (NHS) even if you’re exempt from paying.
When you don’t have to pay or get an IHS reference number
You don’t need to get an IHS reference number or pay the healthcare surcharge if:- you’re applying for a visitor visa
- you’re applying for a visa (from outside the UK) for 6 months or less
- you’re applying for indefinite leave to remain
- you’re a diplomat or a member of a visiting armed forces and not subject to immigration control
- you’re a family member of a European national with European Union treaty rights
- you’re applying for a visa for the Isle of Man or Channel Islands
- you’re a British Overseas Territory citizen resident in the Falkland Islands
- you’re an asylum seeker or applying for humanitarian protection (or you’re their dependant)
- you’ve been identified as a victim of human trafficking (or you’re their dependant)
- the Home Office’s domestic violence concession applies to you (or you’re their dependant)
- being made to leave the UK would be against your rights under Article 3 of the European Convention of Human Rights (or you’re their dependant)
- you booked a visa premium service centre appointment before 6 April 2015 (even if your appointment is after 6 April)
You’ll have to pay the healthcare surcharge if you applied for indefinite leave to remain but are only given limited leave. You’ll be told by UK Visas and Immigration if this happens.
How much you have to pay
You’ll have to pay:- £150 per year as a student
- £200 per year for all other visa and immigration applications
The exact amount you have to pay depends on how much leave you’re granted. You can calculate how much you’ll have to pay before you apply.
You’ll pay half of the yearly amount if your application includes part of a year that is less than 6 months.
You’ll pay for a whole year if you’re application includes part of a year that is more than 6 months.
Your visa or immigration application won’t be granted if you don’t pay the healthcare surcharge or your application will be delayed if you don’t pay the right amount.
When you have to pay
You must pay the healthcare surcharge for yourself and any dependants before you submit or send your visa or immigration application (or book an appointment at a premium service centre.You’ll be contacted by UK Visas and Immigration if you didn’t pay the surcharge (or didn’t pay enough) as part of your visa or immigration application.
Your visa or immigration application will be turned down if you don’t pay the full amount:
- within 10 working days if you’re inside the UK
- within 7 working days if you’re outside the UK
Pay the healthcare surcharge
You must make the payment before you submit or send your visa or immigration application (or book an appointment at a premium service centre).There are 5 steps to paying the healthcare surcharge and finishing your visa or immigration application.
Register to use the service.
Answer questions to see if you must pay the healthcare surcharge or if you’re exempt.
Pay online if you’re not exempt. You pay the healthcare surcharge in the same currency as your visa application fee.
You’ll be sent an email with an IHS reference number. This will also
be shown on screen when you’ve paid. You’ll need to write this on the
cover of your visa application if you’re applying online from outside
the UK, the cover sheet if applying online from inside the UK or on the
application form if applying by post. You need this reference even if
you’re exempt from paying the healthcare surcharge.
Finish your application form and pay your visa or immigration application fee.
Information you need to pay
You’ll be asked for:- your name
- your nationality
- the type of visa you’re applying for
- your passport or travel document number
- date of birth
- an email address
- your visa application centre if you’re applying overseas
- the start and end dates on your certificate of sponsorship
- your course dates if you’re applying as a student
- any person applying for a visa or other immigration application with you, eg a dependant
- any person you’re applying to join or remain who is already in the UK (you don’t need to add this person’s details if they are a UK or EEA citizen)
How to pay
You can pay the healthcare surcharge by:- debit or credit card
- Paypal
- Unionpay
- Webmoney
- Alipay
- Paga
- Skrill
- CashU
I Paid for Immigration Health Surcharge for my daughter, the platform showed that it was successful but it's not showing on their platform that she has paid.